Saturday, March 17, 2012

thin mint stuffed cookies!

Everyone has bad days. You know, days where you find yourself listening to Adele on repeat, and generally doing nothing but eating and crying...
Self-pity is a natural feeling, and no one should feel bad about it! Yet there are probably 3 solutions to this situation, and the route you chose to take could very easily determine the type of person you are.
You could either: a), go out and solve whatever is bothering you. b), go onto pandora to create a coldplay station and brainstorm, or c), bake something, and completely avoid the outside world. 

Well obviously I went with choice C. It was one of those nights; where I simply couldn't handle anything anymore, and on top of that I was both incredibly hungry and bored. Thank god for girl scout cookie season, cause I had half of box of frozen thin mints in the freezer! (the other half was obviously eaten already)

So I went with my best instinct and decided to make some thin mint stuffed cookies! I decided to go with the typical chocolate chip cookie recipe, however, we were all out of chocolate chips. Luckily, I had some WHITE chocolate chips in the pantry, and I gotta say...white chocolate and mint=VERY GOOD COMBO.

I was a little nervous because the baking time called for 10 mins, but after that time, the cookies were no where near being finished. That was probably because of their colossal size! I hesitantly left them in for a bit longer (you know under baked cookies are my weakness!), and I gotta say...they came out pretty perfect.   

Imagine biting in to this puppy....the cookie is warm and doughy, the white chocolate chips melt in your mouth. The thin mint itself is soft and warm, but it still maintains most of the satisfying, minty crunch you get as you bite into this multi-textured cookie. I MEAN ITS HEAVEN. I HAD THESE FOR DINNER! Soooo worth it!
So remember this little life lesson: whenever you find yourself sitting through yet another self pity fest, go through the list in your mind. Should I solve this problem? should I sulk? should I rely on Adele or Coldplay to take the pain away?
The answer is NO...get off your butt and bake! Bake away, eat it all, and forget about everyone else, because you know you want to. 

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